- 中共中央第十四届广州市港区政协常委
- 担任多项社会公职,包括广州地区政协香港委员联谊会第八届理事会常务副会长兼理事
- 香港广州社团总会第四届会董会常务副主席兼常务会董
- 广州海外联谊会第七届理事会副会长
- 中华海外联谊会第二、三、四届理事
- 中华全国工商业联合会第九、十届全国工商联执委
- 广东省茂名市荣誉市民
- 富地石油有限公司及亚联有限公司主席
- 拥有逾40年丰富的公司管治经验
- 前中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会委员
- 香港青年协会高级顾问
- 香港世界宣明会荣誉会长
- 曾出任行政会议成员、立法会议员及香港特别行政区前教育统筹委员会主席
- 获美国加州大学社会学博士学位,曾先后在香港、加拿大、英国深造并取得学位
- 获五家高等教育机构颁授名誉博士学位,以及英国伦敦大学伦敦政治经济学院颁发荣誉会士称号
Dr Ahmed Hussain is the Chief Education Officer with AISL. This position involves leading on educational strategy and operations across the Harrow group of schools in Asia. He is also an Associate Professor in the school of education Durham University, a member of the editorial board with Research Journal: International Education Theory and Practice, a member of the expert panel for Pudong Education Bureau, Shanghai and a Fellow of the Charter College for Teaching, UK.
Professional and research experience
Following an initial career as a post-doctoral research scientist and lecturer at University of Nottingham, Ahmed trained as teacher of science with the school of education, Durham University. Following a number of teaching and leadership positions, Ahmed was appointed as a Lecturer of Education at Durham University. Here he led on training and developing teachers, teaching on Masters and EdD courses as well as undertaking research in the fields of curriculum analysis, assessment and teacher professional development. Ahmed took up a number of senior leadership positions in schools in the UK and Dubai along with working in the education reform project in Abu Dhabi. Here he led projects on senior leader and teacher professional development along with supporting the development and rollout of national standards for school leaders and teachers in the UAE. Ahmed then took up the role of Director of Schools with Wellington College China, playing a key role in establishing Wellington College China as a leading education group regionally and internationally.
Contribution to education in China
Through a number of partnerships with state education in Shanghai, Hangzhou and at national level, the Ahmed has contributed to education reform through:
- Exchange of ideas and experience
- Training and development
- Research projects
Examples of impact include developing the capacity of teachers in Shanghai to implement formative assessment practices. Research in this field has demonstrated that the use of formative assessment practices not only improved student achievement in paper and pencil tests but is also associated with higher levels of motivation and self-efficacy.
Other areas of research activity include:
- Language acquisition within bilingual schools in China
- The impact of assessing levels of student wellbeing and involvement on quality ofteaching and student achievement
- The influence of professional learning approaches on collaborative teacher efficacy (CTE) and distributed leadership
- Comparative analysis of leadership in Chinese, bilingual and international schools
Ahmed has published in a range of fields including:
- Plant physiology
- Science education
- Assessment
- Curriculum analysis
- Bilingual education
- Education reform in China
Ahmed is a passionate educator who was drawn to AISL because of the educational values, ethos and commitment to a truly holistic education. He is married with two boys, and as a family they are truly embracing the rich heritage and culture of Hong Kong SAR and China.
读完剑桥大学彭布罗克学院的古典文学专业后,Andrew McGregor在英国哈罗学校任教超过三十年。他曾担任盖顿院舍舍监,之后成为校长院舍舍监,直到2012年被任命为高级管理团队成员。作为高级导师,他负责监督包括儿童保护、健康与安全以及学生福利在内的合规事务。自2018年8月底从哈罗学校退休以来,Andrew McGregor一直担任教育顾问。他还在英国几所知名预备学校的董事会任职。2021年5月,麦格雷戈先生被哈罗国际学校有限公司(HISL)任命为AISL学校监督团队成员。作为哈罗董事会的代表,他在哈罗国际学校的安比、香港、曼谷和深圳校区的董事会中担任职务。他还担任哈罗礼德学校(重庆、南宁、横琴)和哈罗港人子弟学校(深圳)的董事会成员。