HZN 2022-09-28 [LEADERSHIP] Catherine Ou
Thursday afternoon, a special guest was invited to the school to kick start a new program—Harrow Zhuhai Master Class. This is a new school initiative aim to utilizing top external resources to provide world-class learning opportunities for Harrow Zhuhai students.
Our special guest for the first master class program is a world champion in badminton. Ms. Ma Jin, a 6-time world champion and the laureate of the Chinese Sport Medal of Honour came to Harrow Zhuhai and delivered a special class to our students. During the class, Ms. Ma shared her experience growing to be a world champion and her stories playing for the Chinese national team. Later, Ms. Ma led a practice session with the students and showed her signature moves during world games.

Ms. Ma said “Having the courage to overcome challenges and to keep your motivation is essential in any sports.” She encouraged Harrow students to search for their passion and always thrive for a higher and better, not only for themselves, but for the country and its people.

The master class is one of the many initiatives for the new school year. As Harrow Zhuhai sets foot in its third year, the education resources accumulated will further strengthen our holistic learning, and to truly cultivate leaders for a better world.