HZN 2023-2-6 [EVENT] Sindy Liang
On 6 February, Harrow Zhuhai celebrated the first day of the second term of the 2022-23 academic year. Harrow students walked onto campus in high spirits, confident and generous, and greeted the Chinese principal and teachers warmly. The whole school gathered for the first flag-raising ceremony and assembly of the new semester.

On the assembly, Dr. Caruso shared his experience of Chinese culture during the winter holidays, emphasising the importance of multiculturalism and learning through culture for children’s growth, and urging everyone to be inclusive and open-minded, and to continue to improve in a cross-cultural learning environment.

One of the most unusual features of the assembly was the Harrow-inspired Hat Ceremony. This is one of the most recognized Harrow tradition in which the Head Master put hard straw hats on the students who will formally become Harrovians, and from then on the students carry a sense of honour and mission. Wearing this Harrow hat means that the students are officially a true Harrovian.The four values of “Courage, Honour, Humility and Fellowship” will be imprinted in the hearts of Harrovians and will lead them to become the leaders of the future.

After a break from the winter holidays, Harrow students are in high spirits. They are ready for the new school year and set sail for a brighter future, moving forward with hope and confidence.